Well done graphics,and very unique.. :3
Well done graphics,and very unique.. :3
Very Nice
Flat out solid,and very intertaining.
You could spend hours on this,because of its large
customability. :3
pretty good...
Nice,but get's old..
still,pretty good... :3
Btw h t t p : / / i m g . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m / a l b u m s / v 9 6 / D e m o n l o r d / o t h e r / C l a y b a r ia n . j p g
It wasn't that good of an Idea
but the gameplay was excelent!
One of the best I've ever seen.
At first I thought this was some noob flash that wandered
into the top 10,but no,it's pretty good.
The Idea was kindof bad though..
but,again,the gameplay was awesome!!
Very nice...
I just had to play a few rounds where I purposly kill the chicken via
rake, or chopper. ^_^
Pretty good
The good thing about it is that you could actually beat the game,
but it was too short,and too easy. People kept playing Pac-Man because it was hard,but sadisfying. It was still pretty good.
Who would want to kill an Oompa Loompa?
I like em...
I bet I know what you're thinking...
"LIKN OMPALOOMPAZ R 4 FAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Honestly,you only take joy into making others look like idiots...
and I got up to 123,000 on the score,and it said I was an Idiot...
The game was to easy,and I took no enjoyment in it..
Better luck next time...
It was interesting...
Very nice...
It kept on freezing up for me...
Even when I turned down the quality it still froze...
Maybe it's just my computer...
However,I respect everyones opinion,unlike Pimpinater.... -_-
~Single Player~
*hits space bar*
*hits space bar*
*bangs on keyboard*
~2 Players~
*hits space bar*
*waits five minuts*
*hits shift key*
It doesn't work?.... :(
You need to wait untile the announcer says "Go!", or you won't be able to fire.
It says all of this in the instructions, but I guess not many people looked at those...
Simply Amazing
Newgrounds looks alot better this way...
I actually wan't to post on the BBC now,and the e-mail was
hilarious ^_^
I'm looking forward to more work by you...
Age 34, Male
Now that you mention it..
Joined on 3/11/05